Examples of My Work

Hello and thank you for visiting my blog. I have some short stories, poems, and essays that I hope will grab your attention and keep you coming back for more. I have been writing for a while now, but only just recently decided to share my work with people to hopefully spread the word about my writing and where it could take me.

Here are my list of short stories, poems, and essays for you to check out.

The Unexpected Surprise Story

It is about a girl named Macy who wants to write a story, but can’t seem to find the time to do so. After agreeing to go on an adventure with two boys who won’t leave her alone, she finally manages to write her story.

A Hand Up

When an officer gets a call about a homeless man behind a restaurant, he doesn’t expect the events that will play out afterwards and how they will change his life. In the end, it just came down to doing what is right.

This short story is the first one in a series of short stories about the three main characters, Caiden, Jeremy, and Nick.

Poems From My Time at Florida State At College at Jacksonville where I got my Associates Degree

The Art of Telling A Tale

I’ve been writing stories for a long time. I’m always trying to find different ways to tell a better story that people will enjoy and I will find inspiration to write about. There are many aspects to writing a story but as you read in this poem, there is one that catches my attention the most. I always want to make sure I understand and believe in the characters that I create. My stories are character-driven and so I want the readers to get attached to a character and want to read their story. They need to get invested in their struggles and triumphs. What do you do think about the poem and where do you focus when you want to write a story?

A Jaguars Victory

This poem goes out to the football team in my home town. This was written during the season of 2019.

I have grown up in Jacksonville my whole life. We’ve been rooting for the Jaguars for a long time. They have given us some great seasons and some not so great seasons, but no matter what, my family continues to root for them. We hope that every game they play will be a win. I wanted to write a poem about something that caught my attention. I didn’t have a clue of what I was going to write so I talked with my mother. To my surprise, she told me that the Jaguars had a won and I knew exactly what to write about then. If you live in Jacksonville, you can understand why this poem was written the way it was. After you read it, give me an idea of what you think about it and if it speaks to you about the Jaguars.

The History of Our Past

The idea of this poem started with the problems that the mustangs deal with and how people are looking for ways to help them. The more I thought about it though, the more I realized that the mustangs weren’t the only part of the past we’re losing. To give you an idea, I will name just a few of them: trees, open land, ice caps, and many other species of animals. We need to start think about these problems and others now before we lose them forever. For some of these, we will almost never be able to get them back once they are gone.

How to Express Yourself

I have dealt with anxiety for a long time and I was always worried about talking about it with someone. But thanks to a chat with my best friend’s mother, I have finally managed to start talking with my mother more about my problems. In the past weeks, it has gotten much better. When I wrote this poem, I wanted to express how I feel when I have to express myself and how it may affect others as well. Let me know what your thoughts are and if this poem spoke to you in some way.


The final poems I am going to be sharing for now are a group of Haikus that I wrote around the same time as the other poems. Most of them are about the weather and seasonal changes, but the last one I will leave as a surprise.

An Essay from My Time at Florida State At College at Jacksonville where I got my Associates Degree

Saving The World We Live In

This short essay is about the world around us and how the changes are effecting us and everyone else who lives on this planet.